About Me

I'm Cindy.  I'm a person of faith, a wife, and mother of 3 amazing children.  Prior to my concussion, I was a highly active person.  I worked full-time as an IT professional.  I had a passion for running and was about to start training for my 3rd marathon.  I loved being busy.  I loved taking on new challenges.  I didn't really know what it meant to slow down.  That all changed for me, for an unpredictable period of time, after my concussion and experience with post concussion syndrome.  I felt knocked down in a way I had never experienced before.  No visible injuries and no readily apparent ailments.  But, my brain was injured.  I could not function in my normal capacity.  I could walk, and talk, and on the surface I was still very functional.  But, when asked to think, focus, concentrate, solve a problem, deal with a distraction,or multitask in any way....my mind would freeze up. I often struggled to keep up with the speed of information coming at me.  I became easily overwhelmed.  High stimuli would put me over the edge.  And, of course, there were headaches.  Those were the easiest symptom to explain.  The other symptoms were much more difficult to explain and quantify.

I do believe things happen for a reason.  God has a plan.  Maybe I needed an intervention to be taught how to slow down.  Enjoy the simple things in life. Have time to pray and put my future in God's hands.  My experience wasn't all bad and I'm sure there are worse things one could go through.  I could even say there were some positive sides and many silver lining moments.  I had incredible support from my family, friends, and coworkers.  I just had to take a detour down a different path in life.  I didn't know exactly where it was headed or when it would end.  There were many twists, turns, backwards loops, and a lack of road signs to guide me.  I had the unique opportunity to purely rely on my faith to guide me.  A blessing in disguise.

I created this blog as a way to share my story.  I hope this blog helps raise awareness of some of the challenges that can come from concussions and post concussion syndrome.  One of the more difficult things to understand about concussions is why some people heal very quickly and others can take a long time...weeks, months, and for some even years.  It is difficult to understand and deal with the unpredictable nature of the recovery process.

I recognize that my story and experiences are not nearly as bad as what others with post concussion syndrome go through.  While I thought my recovery  process seemed to go incredibly slow, it certainly doesn't compare to those who have been suffering with more severe symptoms for several months or years.  Nonetheless, I still had many struggles in managing my way through.  An experience I felt was worth writing about.

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